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Nonnie Egbuna

Senior Manager, Content Marketing

Nonnie joined Edison in 2023 to lead content strategy, development, and operations for Edison Edge and Marketing.

Prior to joining Edison, Nonnie served in various marketing roles within the startup space. She worked as B2B Content Marketing Manager at Vendition; before this, Nonnie was Marketing Lead at Inclusivv, and Content Lead at Zogo Finance.

BA Visual and Media Studies, Duke University

What makes you say "let's go"?

Seeing weeks (or even months) of hard work culminate into a final product that moves people.

Edison Superpower


Early Career

I went to college thinking that I wanted to be a filmmaker. I majored in Visual and Media Studies and spent my summers doing documentary work and interning for production companies. Obviously, things turned out a bit differently for me, but the film work I did in college taught me how to tell impactful stories and gave me unique skills that have helped me shine as a marketer.

First Job

I was a summer camp counselor at the YMCA across the street from my parents' house. Mind you - I'm not particularly fond of the outdoors, I'm certainly not the best with young children, and I can't swim.

Fun Fact

I'm obsessed with Baby Yoda. Have I ever seen Star Wars? Mind your business.