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The Edison Eighth CEO Summit

Strategy. Influence. Positioning. Negotiation. Formation. Execution. These are essential skills of a CEO across a wide spectrum of relationships. The CEO switches from the product to the pitch to the annual plan to the people on a weekly basis, sometimes daily.

What are the characteristics that the best and most admired leaders possess? Were these skills born or made? Can you learn to be fast on your feet? Is process and preparation your best friend in a negotiation or is personality the power punch? Is there a method to positioning yourself and your company for a maximum result?



Keynote Speakers

Molly Fletcher headshot


Reggie Headshot

Molly Fletcher

Molly Fletcher is a trailblazer in every sense of the word– a rare talent of business wisdom, relationship brilliance and unwavering optimism. A popular keynote speaker, she shares the unconventional techniques that helped her thrive as one of the first female sports agents in the high stakes, big ego world of professional sports and now a successful entrepreneur. 



Reggie Aggarwal

Reggie founded Cvent in 1999 as a two-person startup, and today the company has more than 4,000+ employees and 300,000 users worldwide. Reggie was named the #1 SaaS CEO by The SaaS Report in their 2018 Top 50 list, CEO of the Year and the most admired CEO by the Washington Business Journal, Entrepreneur of the Year for the Washington, DC area by Ernst & Young, and a rising star by Forbes Magazine.



Wednesday, May 15 - Friday, May 17

Starts: Wednesday, May 15 at noon (lunch will be provided)

Ends: Friday, May 17 at noon (lunch will be provided)



Click here to view the agenda.



The Hay-Adams

800 16th Street NW

Washington, DC 20006

Hay Adams-1



Contact Lacey LaManna at lacey@edisonpartners.com.